I interviewed 162 entrepreneurial women during one year of Covid.
Want to meet them?
Scroll to make a new friend, connection, community, or find a resource.
Women are the answer to everything!
It was the winter of my discontent....well, not quite.
In the winter of 2020, it wasn't the pandemic that got to me, it was Seasonal Affected Disorder. Well, Covid 19 did play a part as I couldn't leave Seattle for somewhere sunny. To get me through the grey days, in December 2020, my coach suggested I call a woman every day that I didn't know. OK, I could get on board with that. All women are awesome, and isolation isn't healthy. We need a #squad!
She also told me to record the conversation and upload it as a podcast. Say what? Surprisingly, many amazing women took the leap of faith and I interviewed them. I never edited...and I got better as I went along. Some days were harder than others because of the blues, some days I was on fire and some days I was so absorbed I forgot to ask questions, but my guests always blew my mind. Get to know them, reach out and connect with them.
By the time December 2021 came around, I had recorded 162 episodes and I am so grateful to every woman I spoke with.
YOU can start & launch your own podcast in a week (I did mine in a day) see above to make it happen).
Let me introduce you to friends you haven't met yet!
PS: The Images aren't links...go HERE to scroll through guests using Apple
or HERE for Spotify or HERE for Google or HERE for Anchor FM. Or just connect with them on LinkedIn. You'll be glad you did.
Thank you for listening, it means a lot.
Please rate and review via Apple, so we can all expand our networks.

Jean Kercheval from Kercheval Photography on the importance of an up-to-date headshot, getting glamorous and how Pinterest can help with a photo shoot.
Episode 155
Interview with Samantha Irving
Episode 135