Are You Feeding the Ducks in Your Wardrobe?

I’m at the lake again. Sheer & utter bliss. My dog and I both need water to play in, sunshine, and strangers to admire us (I’m wearing the most amazing caftan by Prima Dona Studios).
At Idylwood Park, there’s a sign that says:
“Don’t feed the ducks because it causes overcrowding for nutrition and pollution.”
Are you feeding the ducks in your wardrobe?
Here’s what I mean by that: Are you overcrowding certain categories?
Do a quick life circle, segmented into the activities, and then do a similar one for your wardrobe.
For example, if you go to the gym 20% of the time - in which case I might wanna hire you as a personal trainer - do you have at least 20% of your wardrobe dedicated to your gym gear? Why? So that you have enough clothing and don’t have to do laundry every 10 minutes.
Check that they’re in good condition, are fitted (you need to see your body to focus on your goals) and preferably in a color palette so they all go together. And hey, just for the heck of it, that they are from brands that you support because you believe in their ethics.
Are you under-crowding a category?
If you spend most of your time in a different environment, say for example in a corporate office (even if it’s your own virtual one at home), do you have enough clothing to meet those needs? I’m not saying you can’t be a minimalist; you don’t need a ton of clothing especially if you’re still working hybrid or online. Hey, all you really need is tops, right? Though there is something to be said for the confidence of being fully-dressed and being able to walk from a Zoom room out into the real world without needing to scramble to find a pair of pants instead of your pajamas.
Are you under-crowding (and probably underfunding) a category or an activity that you love in your life?
Which means you aspire to spend more time doing that activity, like basking in the sunshine, but don’t, so are over-represented. For example: I have a ton of bathing suits but live in Seattle. So stop buying those items.
OR plan a vacation (if you feel safe to do so, I can’t go home to NZ as borders are still closed, sigh), OR create an online course so that you can work remotely from a beach in Costa Rica or whatever your preferred destination may be. (I subscribe to International Living).
Do you have poor closet & life nutrition?
Is your clothing of good quality? Declutter the ones that scream deprivation.
Are you starving yourself of clothing that you love?
In which case, add a category to your spending plan for those items, however little the amount is you can set aside. Even a dollar tells the universe you have the intention. I hate the word budget - but a that has possibilities.
Are you polluting your wardrobe?
Are you putting clothes into your wardrobe that don’t align with your values? One of your values might be freedom, in which case, are you spending too much on clothing instead of investing in education tol allow you to live the life you want?
What is spending too much?
Spending too much is spending in a way that will take away another category that will get you closer to the life you want.
This often happens due to impulse purchases, compulsive spending, or needing something to make you feel good because you feel that other parts of your life aren’t doing so well, or perhaps you’ve gone shopping with a friend who, with the best intentions in mind, or her own issues, has encouraged you to spend more than you ought. Talk to me about Soulvency which is peace of mind when it comes to money and your closet.
Have you also polluted your wardrobe with clothing that hide you from the world?
I’ve had clients that have worn clothes so they can be invisible, blend in, or feel safe. This is a way of polluting your light from shining in the world you are needed. Don’t be the world’s best-kept secret; you are here to contribute. Your dreams, your goals, your visions were given to you because you have the talent and the abilities to make them come true and be an inspiration for others.
I’m offering Consults on a variety of topics all designed to give you Clarity in Your Life and Confidence in Your Closet. Check them out here.
Aroha, Erin
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