Why I have Thrift Stores in my Entertainment $$$ Category.

I don’t like the word budget. It sounds...restrictive. Which in my experience can lead to binge shopping or deprivation. Neither are good things.
I much prefer spending plan. I choose all the categories, which includes singing lessons, vacations, petrol (sorry, gas) etc.
I was told that every dollar should have a purpose and to allocate every dollar in alignment with my values, my dreams, and my goals. I like that a lot.
Regarding my spending on entertainment, what I don’t like going out to dinner. I don’t like eating out. This could be control issues, it could be the fact that I don’t like being surprised. Given what's going on as I write this (October 2020) I have an excuse to stay home, lousy one that it is.
It could also be I’d much rather eat at home in my pajamas with the dog, looking at the view of the lake and eating exactly what I want, rather than trying to decipher a menu - I do not speak menu - and then end up with something that I don’t actually like because I misunderstood.
So instead, I put money towards thrift stores. Technically, this could come under two categories. It could come under clothing rental, because I buy things from thrift stores who support causes I believe in, wear them, and then I return them.
As far as entertainment goes, I usually take around $30 or $40 a month, and I spend a couple of happy hours at a local thrift store. And yes, I can still do this. Stores have procedures and if you take a tape measure you can work out if something will fit or not.
It works out at around $10 an hour, $20 an hour, which may or may not be excessive for entertainment. It depends on what you consider important and what you have in your spending plan.
There is one restaurant I would happily go to once a year, because I definitely believe in quality over quantity when it comes to experiences, and I’ll always choose experiences over things. Canlis.
I’m not a foodie, I’m not an epicurean, and I definitely don’t go there for the food, or the wine, though I’m told it’s superb, for one thing, I don’t drink alcohol. I go there because the staff cherish you. They make you feel as if it is an honor to serve you, that your coming for dinner is the best thing that could ever have happened to them, and they want you to feel at home. We all deserve to be cherished.
Canlis has pivoted and it's fantastic. Check them out now.
So how you define entertainment is completely up to you. Ditto clothing.
I have clients who claim me as a business expense because I absolutely come under image consulting, branding, marketing, and business strategy.
If you would like to claim me as a business investment, feel free to reach out for a free thirty minute discovery call.
Or feel free to call me and tell me where you think clothing should go in your spending plan.
Aroha, Erin
Photo by Photo by Prudence Earl on Unsplash
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