On National Checklist Day - wear something that gets you closer to ticking all your boxes!

It’s National Checklist Day. I’ve never been a fan of checklists. I get overwhelmed and stressed out when I feel like I have an endless list of things to do.

There’s numerous time management strategy books and productivity books out there. One I enjoyed was The One Thing by Gary Keller, for which I wrote an article for Medium. To sum it up in one line, think of the one thing you can do today to get you towards the person you want to be in the life that you want. I find that much easier to deal with.

I also recommend Michael Hyatt’s Full Focus Planner though I currently misplaced my copy of it which exactly focused. I’ve got my husband searching the house for it; he has a knack for finding things.

Having a really clear vision of who I want to be and where I want to be ten years from now, five years from now, one year from now, one month from now, one week from now, and today, as proposed by Gary, is incredibly useful, just like knowing my one-of-a-kind Style Statement helps me get dressed, decorate my home, and decide on the colors of my website.

Having a really clear vision of where I want to be prevents decision fatigue. Either something is moving me towards who I want to be or it’s not.

I still get caught up in busy work. I still get caught up in the mundane. I forget that I am here for a greater purpose and I get scared and hide under the duvet when the world gets a bit too much. It’s much easier to tidy up the bathroom cabinet than it is to put myself out there on a YouTube video or ask a potential new client if she wants to work with me.

But as my friend Riah says, “new level, new devil.” And I have a supportive group of women friends who encourage me every single day to be brave and tell me how incredible I am.

My biggest cheerleader is my sister Jo. She is my inspiration, my touchstone, and my best friend.

And I am blessed with a husband who would support me in anything I do while muttering “happy wife, happy life” under his breath, as he returns back to his basement office intent on playing Kerbal.

So, what’s on your checklist for today? Can you add this?

I want you to pick one thing that will get you closer to who you want to be, the kind of person you aspire to be, and the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Why don’t you start off with wearing something that represents who that person is?

Aroha, Erin.

Ps. Reach out if you want to fast track wearing your future self's clothes. 

Photo by Juan Ordonez on Unsplash


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