A life of discovery
The Art of Wearing Sweatpants: 5 Tips on How to Style Sweatpants for Work From Home.
So...even I’m getting tired of my pajama bottoms. I’ve never been a fan of sweatpants, per se, though I do cling to my 80’s Adidas drawstring fake-rapper-track suit.The good news is, they can actually be stylish - here’s how:
#1 Fitted Looks More Formal
Choose sweatpants with slimmer legs. They’re easier to style and look more polished. Leggings count in this category, and so do joggers as long as they’re fitted and you’re comfortable in them. Throw on a long-sleeved, button-down shirt then tu…
Yes, you can replace it and still feel the love (I'm talking about possessions).
I don't want to replace my comforter.
That's what you call them here, right? A duvet where the inner part is already inside it? And you can't take off the cover?
It's white with navy swirls and navy polka dots. It’s Kate Spade. I bought it, oh, maybe four or five years ago, I don’t remember, from Bed Bath & Beyond. They don't have it any more, I think it was a limited edition. And it was pre-tragedy.
I adore it. It clashes beautifully with the navy-and-forest-green geometric sheets. Yes, i…
Before you give in to winter scarves....here's some ways to use your current ones.
As I write this, there is a lot going on in the US, where I am based. What's happening is important.
Sometimes, I need to think about other things....so here's this.
Since I’m still in denial about having to pull out my winter scarves, here’s some ways you can wear them which don’t require cold weather.
I'm all about scarves - great table décor, look good on the wall, frame them, drape the dog in them. I've used them to hide bandages, tattoos (thankfully they are not such a big deal these …
Can you get dressed in 10 minutes?
If there were Olympics in assembling outfits, I'd be in the running.
I can get dressed in 10 minutes in an outfit that I feel I look great in.
I sound like I'm boasting, right? Well, yes, but I'm also proud of myself AND it's possible because I have practiced.
Style is like any skill. We need to find someone who can teach us, learn, practice and then Voila!
(Hopefully I spelt that right, remind me to ask my Parisian neighbor. Do you know even she asks what I think of her clothing? Now that's…
If you can't wear the clothes you love to work, get a new career.
If you can't wear what you love to work, you're in the wrong career.
About fifteen years ago, I was helping a beautiful young woman (one of my semi-nieces) apply for an apartment. She was very young and people often make snap judgments about age, so we decided she needed to look trustworthy, respectable, tidy, a suitable applicant. Seems reasonable, right?
We went to a thrift store and found her an ensemble which made her look like an extremely trustworthy young woman. i.e. business casual. Sh…
Summertime Crown by Kayla Ocampo, 21-year-old guest blogger from Manila.
Kayla Ocampo is a 21-year-old fashion designer in the Phillipines and my assistant. This week, she's writing the blog (and she found the hats).
Check out her Instagram Store KelsCloset. She's one to watch. Take it away Kayla... (no edits have been made).
The best thing about summertime is being able to lay on a tanning chair, read a relaxing book, and bask in the sun. It’s all about finding peace and being in tune with yourself. Speaking of which, finding your true inner self also …
It's OK to buy new clothes & still care about the planet
One of the exercises I do with my clients is to establish their values.
Many of my clients care about the environment, diversity, fair trade and the ethical creation of clothing.
For some, this means wearing previously worn clothing, which can include up-cycled, recycled, or second-hand, either from thrift stores, consignment stores, clothes swapping or as gifts from other friends’ wardrobes.
This is absolutely wonderful!
I help them choose, curate, source and create combinations.
Why I disappeared...and why I came back
Kia Ora,
I haven't been able to blog for the last year. Then the world changed and it woke me up.
There were a few months last year when I didn't want to do anything at all.
Depression, malaise, a slump, marinating, pondering, avoiding - there's a whole thesis in there. Ironically, in June 2020 in the USA, many, many people are traumatized, isolated, depression, anxious, scared - maybe I was just a year ahead.
I can't claim trauma (or anything really, apart from white privilege) but I "…
I have wardrobe malfunctions, too
I was on my way to a co-working space to meet a group of women that I adore. I was planning on wearing a particular outfit and I forgot to take my own advice. I was running a bit behind, was meeting someone at a particular time and I don’t like being late. I’d been trying to walk the dog before I changed, so that she would go to the bathroom before I left for a few hours, but she was more interested in talking to the people who are fixing our road. We ende…