A Kiwi In Kona


What is "cost per wear?"

Quick math you should consider when you're about to purchase something. 

Cost per wear. 

Divide the cost by the amount of times you plan on wearing the item. This also helps with impulse purchases and when you are wavering over an expensive piece that you love. 

For example - I bought a VERY expensive coat in 2004. It was $800 NZ, a ton of money to me back then. It's a classic winter coat, black and of high quality. I've had the lining repaired once in that time. Fifteen years of wearing …

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How to add visual interest to an outfit.


What's the big deal about visual interest? 

There is nothing wrong with monochrome if that's your thing. I also know women who like capsule wardrobes made up of three neutral colors, but in general, our eyes like to look at visually interesting things, that's how we're created.

It's not often we want to stare at a white piece of paper (unless like me, you're waiting for inspiration to strike) or a black sheet or a grey umbrella. Nature, a stunning day, colorful art, a bunch of flowers, a del…

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What I would wear to my funeral


I'm sad. My husband lost a close family member who was unique and precious and we are in NZ.

The funeral was yesterday and it was beautiful. He would have heartily approved.

I usually talk about how clothing is literally part of the fabric of our life, so I'll tell you that I picked out a simple black dress and understated black heels. My style is very dramatic, but this wasn't the time to express that - in cases such as these, courtesy and respect must always dictate fashion. I aimed for cl…

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Should you have these shoes in your closet?


I read an article about 12 pairs of shoes every woman should own. If you'd like to peruse it, check out this link to Harper's Bazaar.  I'll give you the list then I'll tell you what is useful about it, and what is simply WRONG. 

  • Metallic heels
  • Animal print heels
  • Tall flat boots
  • Casual sneakers
  • Black pointed pumps
  • Sleek ankle boots
  • Ankle strap sandals
  • Flat sandals
  • Luxe loafer
  • Short stacked heels
  • All weather boots
  • Ballet flats
So here's my take on it. Yes, I was telling a client t…

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Don't dress for the rear view mirror

Kia ora (hello) beautiful,
Here's what I mean by "don't dress for the rear view mirror."

Don't dress for the past.

No, I'm not talking about the resurgence of 80's power heels, I mean your past. 

Especially if it's holding you back. 

Don't dress for who you were. Dress for who you are now. 

Dress for the woman you are and want to be. Brave, loving, kind, smart, confident and empowered. 

Dress for the career you want, the love you want, the life you want. 

Dress for the futu…

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Shopping when you're a size 18 sucks


Shopping when you’re a size 18 sucks.

I have a beautiful client who is a size 18. We know what her unique Style Statement is, we’ve decluttered what she has that doesn’t make her feel good or look great, we’ve created a shopping list, we have a spending plan, we know her activities and lifestyle and we had a mission – get her ready for a two week trip to Costa Rica as well as update her usual wardrobe.

Kerry is from New Zealand like me and is a minimalist. She travels year-round, with only two…

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Is your skin warm toned or cool toned?


Do you know if your skin is yellow toned (warm) or blue toned (cool)? And does this really matter?

Everyone's skin has an undertone, not always obvious at first sight, and this means that certain shades look better on them than others.

 Undertones have been divided into yellow toned and blue toned (though there are some of us who are neutral).

 It doesn't matter what your actual skin color is. If you choose colors that don't match your undertone, you can look tired, older and even unhealthy. …

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Your clothes tell people what you value.

I go through a values exercise with clients to ensure that they are dressing in alignment with what truly matters to them (such as sustainability, freedom, contribution) but if you haven't worked with me, may I suggest that you think about this when you are choosing clothing? 

What values am I embodying? 
  • If I value creativity does any of that show in what I wear? 
  • If I value the environment, do my clothes hurt or help the world? Do I donate clothes? Shop secondhand? 
  • If I value qualit…

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Do you know what you spent on clothing in 2018?

I write down daily what I spend in my personal and business life. I don't judge myself or resolve to "do better" and I don't budget - rather, I have a spending plan that includes everything that I want or need to allocate money to. Some categories might only get a few dollars a week, some get more, but they are all represented, everything from the mortgage to a trip to Hawaii to the white silk shirt I've been lusting after. Even putting away $1 a week for something shows an intention - and it'…

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I'm interviewed by Erica Duran, freedom luxury lifestyle designer!

I love podcasts. I listen to them all the time while driving and on one of them, I found my business coach.

Her name is Erica Duran, and she describes herself as a Freedom Business Model Mentor & Coach, Digital Marketing Expert, Luxury Lifestyle Designer, and Minimalist.

Isn't that awesome? I chose her as I like her relaxed attitude, I aspire to be a minimalist (with an amazing wardrobe) and she lives in sunshine all year round - another goal of mine.

She has her own podcast and intervi…

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