A Kiwi In Kona


Guide to alterations

I'm a big believer in alterations. Being short, I always have to take up hems and I've had pieces mended. I bought a retro 60's lime green and hot pink suit that was a size too big (thrift store) and had it altered to fit and I've had the lining replaced on expensive jackets. I've had fasteners added to tops and jackets that gaped a little and I've even had a dress made from scratch - a Regency dress ala Jane Austen, which I later sold to a costume shop. I always tell clients that if the clothin…

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I'm interviewed by the Ready Pause Go podcast!

I love listening to podcasts while wandering around the park with the dog, or driving to clients' homes and recently I had the honor and privilege of being interviewed by Erika Parker Price on the podcast Ready Pause Go. 

Here's what Erika says about her podcast:

"This podcast is for the millions of women who take a career pause to raise their family - whether you are contemplating a pause, in the trenches at home with your kids, or ready to relaunch the next phase of your life. …

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Tips for thrift store (and other shopping)


"I wear your granddad's clothes
I look incredible
I'm in this big a** coat
From that thrift shop down the road."

Musician Macklemore (from Kent, WA, the state I live in) said it all - you can look incredible in thrift store clothes. Here's some tips to help:

Wear clothes you like a lot when you thrift shop.
Why? It's all too easy to find something and buy it simply because you like it better than the other items available. Compare it to what you're wearing and think about other clothes …

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Try a 10 day clothing diary to see what you REALLY wear!


There's a common expression that we only wear 20% of our closet 80% of the time. The 80/20 rule was named after an Italian man called Vilfredo Pareto, who created it based on 1896 Italian landownership, but it can be applied to almost anything.

I have a client who uses it with her clothing - 80% is made up of clothing that has longevity, 20% is fun items that she'll wear a ton this season, then they are donated.

Back to your closet. Let's find your 80/20 shall we?

Take a photo for 10 days of …

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Set your wardrobe up for success.


Set your wardrobe up for success.

What do I mean by this?

Curate a wardrobe of clothes that you love, that flatter you, fit you, make you feel great and are easy to mix and match.

Have enough that you can do laundry on your schedule, not in a rush because your only pair of decent jeans are dirty. Have the right clothes for the activities that make up your life…and have at least one inspirational outfit for when amazing opportunities come your way.

Easier said than done, right?

Here’s some t…

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Do you have a decent head shot? 


Do you have a decent head shot?

I know I usually write about inner and outer style for the whole person, but this is one thing all women should have.

Whether a dating site, LinkedIn, your FB profile, Instagram, Pinterest or any other digital use, a simple but flattering head shot is a must.

What to wear?

Look for a top that draws attention to your face, not away from it.

No busy patterns that steal the show.  Wear colors that highlight your skin and eyes – if in doubt, take selfies and expe…

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What is "cost per wear?"

Quick math you should consider when you're about to purchase something. 

Cost per wear. 

Divide the cost by the amount of times you plan on wearing the item. This also helps with impulse purchases and when you are wavering over an expensive piece that you love. 

For example - I bought a VERY expensive coat in 2004. It was $800 NZ, a ton of money to me back then. It's a classic winter coat, black and of high quality. I've had the lining repaired once in that time. Fifteen years of wearing …

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How to add visual interest to an outfit.


What's the big deal about visual interest? 

There is nothing wrong with monochrome if that's your thing. I also know women who like capsule wardrobes made up of three neutral colors, but in general, our eyes like to look at visually interesting things, that's how we're created.

It's not often we want to stare at a white piece of paper (unless like me, you're waiting for inspiration to strike) or a black sheet or a grey umbrella. Nature, a stunning day, colorful art, a bunch of flowers, a del…

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Should you have these shoes in your closet?


I read an article about 12 pairs of shoes every woman should own. If you'd like to peruse it, check out this link to Harper's Bazaar.  I'll give you the list then I'll tell you what is useful about it, and what is simply WRONG. 

  • Metallic heels
  • Animal print heels
  • Tall flat boots
  • Casual sneakers
  • Black pointed pumps
  • Sleek ankle boots
  • Ankle strap sandals
  • Flat sandals
  • Luxe loafer
  • Short stacked heels
  • All weather boots
  • Ballet flats
So here's my take on it. Yes, I was telling a client t…

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Don't dress for the rear view mirror

Kia ora (hello) beautiful,
Here's what I mean by "don't dress for the rear view mirror."

Don't dress for the past.

No, I'm not talking about the resurgence of 80's power heels, I mean your past. 

Especially if it's holding you back. 

Don't dress for who you were. Dress for who you are now. 

Dress for the woman you are and want to be. Brave, loving, kind, smart, confident and empowered. 

Dress for the career you want, the love you want, the life you want. 

Dress for the futu…

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